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Solution to acne skin

What causes acne? Acne is mostly linked to the changes in hormone levels during puberty, but can occur at any age. It affects the grease-producing glands next to the hair follicles in the skin. Certain hormones cause these glands to produce larger amounts of oil (abnormal sebum). This abnormal sebum changes the activity of a usually harmless skin bacteria called P. acnes, which becomes more vigorous and leads to inflammation to the skin and pus occurs. The hormones also thicken the inner lining of the hair follicle, resulting in the blockage of pores. Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle or pregnancy, can also lead to acne in women. About 80% of people between the ages of 11 and 30 will be affected by acne and this can continue into adult life and may improve depending on skin. How to treat acne with Acnex® To use this acne cream, massage a thin layer onto a clean face until it has been fully absorbed. Use twice a day to ensure you receive the full benefits of this acne scar treatment. 

Sunblockex 50 is essential  Why Acnex® is the best over other topical creams Acnex® has a stronger anti-microbial action than most other topicals, including Azelaic acid. It also does not provide any irritation to the skin. Acnex® also does not induce photosensitivity or redness, no antibiotic resistance (as with Clindamycin) and does not bleach clothes as with some other topical agents such as Benzoyl peroxidase and retinoids. Acnex® is an acne cream that can be prescribed to treat mild to moderate Acne Vulgaris but is not recommended in nodulocystic acne or women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Also, it may be used for Rosacea and Pre-Menstrual outbreaks prophylactically and during antibiotic holidays to prevent antibiotic resistance. It is also safe to use during pregnancy. Acnex® is a fast acting acne scar treatment that has complex formulations and consists of clinically proven ingredients. It is available for an economical price to treat acne. Acnex® leaves you feeling cleaner, healthier and more refreshed; it helps in the reduction of dark pigmentation, blemishes and prevents pimples without the usage of harsh chemicals. Acnex® is ideal for people who suffer from bad skin and can help to clear pimples just after a few applications. Many people see reduction of mild acne,reduction in lesions. 

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